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A new adventure, a new learning journey for us!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Module 3

Until yesterday, I had never heard of Google Docs. Even my own children looked at me blankly when I spoke about it. However, after perusing the very informative video I felt a little more confident about attempting this next activity. Thanks to the blog of a very talented friend and colleague, I viewed a video about kindy kids using blogging etc and a terrific website called 'Ideas to Inspire' which had great tips for using technology in the classroom.

As a teacher, I can see Google Docs as a useful tool for working on lesson/program ideas with my grade partner and sharing ideas, presentations etc with other colleagues. In the classroom, it would be a challenge, but it would be an opportunity to encourage children to share and edit work. The children could also work on a powerpoint as a group; for example collaborate research on minibeasts.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Diane,
    Now that you mention it I can really see how Google Docs could be used in a job share situation. (I had never thought of that before) A way to communicate edit and share ideas. It is amazing how 2 people job sharing can work so closely together and never see each other. Google Docs could be a great way to share ideas.
    I like you thinking!
